Used in the process of making wine, beer, and bread, among other foods. In Spain, the cured and fresh meat of pigs raised on acorns (labeled as bellota) is greatly prized.Ī green oval-shaped winter squash with orange flesh.Ī living, single-celled organism that converts its food into alcohol and carbon dioxide through fermentation. Most varieties are edible, and acorns were once a dietary staple in many cultures. The fruit of oaks and several related species of trees. (Sp.) A species of crayfish indigenous to Mexico, popular in Pre-Columbian times. (Sp.) The crystallized pulp of biznaga cactus paddles, popular in Mexico since pre-Hispanic times. Water infused with a small amount of vinegar or lemon or lime juice, in which fruits or vegetables are soaked to prevent discoloration due to oxidation. When used in marinades, acids break down connective tissue and cells walls making them natural tenderizers.
It gives milk a tangy flavor and thickened texture, and a longer shelf life. Milk to which Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria has been added. A small, square, dark red seed used as mild flavoring and a colorant in Latin American and Indian cuisines, and in food processing.

The fruit has three large black seeds and a creamy white flesh.Īlso called annatto. It is formed when common airborne bacteria interact with the alcohol present in fermented solutions including wine, beer, and cider.Ī term used in various Indo-Aryan languages to refer to salted or pickled relishes, sweet or hot.Ī tropical fruit that bursts open when ripe. The main component of vinegar, sour and tart, with a distinctive aroma. Unlike other artificial sweeteners, it retains its sweetness during cooking. Also known as Barbados cherry, Puerto Rican cherry, and West Indies cherry.Īn artificial sweetener, 200 times sweeter than sugar, invented in Germany in the 1960s and marketed under such trade names as Sunett and Sweet One. Commonly used in desserts and jams, it has one of the highest concentrations of vitamin C of any fruit or vegetable. It is a flavor enhancer, associated with the so-called “fifth sense,” umami.Ī tart berry native to Central and South America, commonly used as a dietary supplement for its anti-oxidant properties.Ī small cherrylike fruit, grown predominantly in the West Indies. Believed to be highly addictive and perhaps to have pyschedelic properties, it had been banned in most countries by 1920, but was rehabilitated in the 1990s.Ī brand of monosodium glutamate, or MSG, derived from glutamic acid found in seaweed, vegetables, and cereal gluten. It is typically green in color and turns milky when mixed with water. (It.) Milkfed lamb young lamb, or lamb in general.Ī high-alcohol liquor (up to 148 proof) flavored with wormwood, anise and various other botanicals, and associated with Parisian café life in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Eaten in Asia, Australia, and Latin America and on the Pacific Coast of the U.S., it is now a protected species in some areas. (Fr.) “Medium-rare,” as in meat also “at the peak of ripeness.”Ī menu term “as quoted,” generally used for items whose price may vary by weight, such as lobster or whole fish.Ī gastropod mollusk related to the sea snail, with a chewy texture that is often tenderized before use. – A term describing a dessert served with ice cream on the side France – it means “stylish.” It is commonly used as boeuf à la mode (beef with vegetables.) (Fr.) A restaurant practice in which items are cooked to order instead of prepared in advance. (Fr.–Eng.) A dish made of cooked fowl, fish, or chicken, diced and served in a cream sauce with mushrooms, pimiento, or green pepper. (Fr.) Each dish is priced differently on the menu. (Fr.) Prepared in the manner of or to the taste of a person.

(Fr.) “In white,” meaning foods, generally meats, that aren’t browned during cooking.